jakarta. Since the results of the people Act (the Act) in 1969 states want to join the Indonesian Papua, the crisis continues to smother the region in the far east of the country. Volatile security situation.
Militia Free Papua Movement (OPM) continues to wage a guerrilla. They killed the army, police, and even foreigners there. The presence of security forces in Papua is not able to fully guarantee the security in the Earth Paradise.
Not just armed resistance, the intelligentsia-Papuans continue guerrilla abroad, including Jacob Rumbiak. In the third Congress in Jayapura, Papua, in October 2011, resulted in the formation of the Federation of West Papua state, he was appointed as foreign minister.
Of the City of Melbourne, Australia, he was raised and called for support for Papuan independence. He sure would escape from the clutches of Papua Indonesia. "Sooner or later it comes freedom," he said when contacted via cell phone on Wednesday.
Here's an explanation Jacob Rumbiak to Faisal Assegaf of merdeka.com.
With the end of the government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, whether the struggle OPM will be better in the future?
I see no better, but there are advantages to both parties, both Indonesia and Papua. I look at the process of which no less, no wins.
West Papuan struggle was not an anti-Indonesian or anti-government of the Republic of Indonesia. It concerns the political rights of the Papuan people. We hope that with this new president could open the democratic space so that we could sit together and discuss the future of Indonesia and Papua.
So I am more likely to see is not good, but how we will present as an external community of shared responsibility in maintaining world peace in every nation. So there is no hostility in this world.
Did you sure during the reign Papua Jokowi be independent?
I see there is a bit of small pebbles for the remote control is in Megawati. Mega may not betray the struggle of his father. But we hope he can understand the actual destruction of Indonesia was no fault of his party's policy. s
Actually, Indonesia is not a republic. Indonesia is not a country applying presidential, RIS system (Republic of Indonesia). If from the beginning Soekarno running RIS system, I think Indonesia is a big country.
Because the area is given the authority to develop Indonesia. But because of the power system in one hand, center, precisely Indonesia is not getting better, it got worse.
So you do not believe the future will be good when the government of Papua Jokowi?
Actually, I'm sure Mr. Jokowi are good people, the best son. Because he had a truly noble plan. He will lift justice, he wants to fix the error history. Because a great nation, a nation really put the values of the nation in the history right.
Actually Papua was part of American tactics to undermine Sukarno. So I think it's time for Indonesia and Papua, we build the future. Indonesia and Papua actually equally victims of the global war or policy world.
That is why do we continue to mutually hostile. We are not the enemy. We are both victims of the cold war. We need to take future policy for both parties, Indonesia and Papua. I think the people of Papua talking closer to Indonesia.
We can not run away. Indonesia has an important role in which we have to admit. There is the remarkable progress we have from Indonesia and the Papuans admit. But we are also into being Indonesian government appreciates and recognizes the rights of our sovereignty, our political rights.
Did Jokowi promised referendum for Papua?
I have not heard from Mr. Jokowi. If resistance or struggle of the people of Papua continued, Indonesia is a loss at all because so much financial outlay. Many victims of Indonesia's best sons died there because of government policy.
The death of civilians and Indonesian military in Papua, it makes me very sad. Because it's wrong policy by the government and they were the children of the people, the children best. If we can set something up early, we do not make mistakes like the days of the Dutch colonized Indonesia 350 years.
Papua is very rich. If the central government can acknowledge our political rights, we will sign a bilateral agreement. Many Papuans are ready, ask the Papua soon have sovereignty.
When Indonesia recognizes the right of the political sovereignty of Papua, before transferring the administration of Indonesia to Papua, we will be the signature of bilateral relations. Do not hesitate and fear about the Indonesian civilians in Papua. Papua keeps for real independence Papuans but not to ensure that all foreign nationals in the territory.
We have the next 50 years the program of cooperation with Indonesia to alleviate poverty. So there is nothing to fear.
Why can you be sure Papuans want independence from Indonesia?
We are very confident because first off, the region was captured by the military power. It is clear, is undeniable. Second, the 600-page document of the United States said Americans involved in transferring Papua into Indonesia through the Act of (the Act) in 1969 did not follow the UN system one person, one vote.
Third, today there is resistance of the people it means that Indonesia should not take lightly. Because the philosophy of truth telling when a nation began to think about the independence, well leave it. Sooner or later it comes independence.
Did OPM has conducted a survey of internal states most Papuans want independence from Indonesia?
Already. We've got the results of a survey of the national parliament, was led by Mr. Abdul Ghofur in 1999. Then in 2003, I believe that there are three NGOs from international and three from Indonesia. LIPI survey stated the majority of Papuans want independence.
Then from the survey results Indonesian International Justice comissions of Jurish Australian in 2001. Then from the University of Cendrawasih University of Papua, two renowned universities.
You need to know in Papua we had good figures that Muslim clergy, Catholic, Christian, very compact one and they themselves have several times tried to meet Yudhoyono to declare Papuans want independence.
So it is clear. Openness already exists. Our only hope of staying in Jakarta parties can respond to this so do not waste money to defend something later impossible to maintain.
Of all the survey, on average how many percent of Papuans want independence?
Average is already above 75 percent. When asked whether through recognition or referendum, I suggest should be recognized because there is evidence from around more than seven state agencies and institutions, including independent announced sureinya results already in the top 75 percent of Papuans want independence.
I mean, why should use only recognition. Because the referendum was a huge waste of a very large cost. Salary of a UN member per month was USD 85 thousand. Why do not we use that money only to wake up wake Indonesia and Papua.
Second, we prepared during the referendum and pro-integration promerdeka kill each other, destroy each other, insulting each other, and others. It was no use at all. Unless you really want to prove the majority of Papuans did want independence, referendum is a measure of democracy. But the greater the negative impact for wasting money, energy and time.
Papua richer. East Timor is not nothing. No need to fear about freedom, independence of Papua. Because Papua has a moral obligation to cooperate with Indonesia. Why not? We also need manpower. Labor is still unemployed need to wake Papua.
However, 75 percent of the survey was a decade ago, it still sure there are still, want independence still more?
Yes, it is now more.
When was the last survey?
The latter in 2007 and 2010.
In 2010, who conducted the survey?
2007's of Signification Union. While the 2010 and 2012 was from Unipa and from Uncen, Jayapura.
The result is what percent want independence?
It was already in the top 80 percent.
There are still many illiterate people in Papua. They anyway can understand it better than the independent board with Indonesia?
Indeed, some of the Dutch era generation, transition, they still aged about 9, 10, 12 years. Now almost their average life msih. They feel the situation in the Dutch period was better because when there is no great murder, there was no kidnapping. Precisely regular Dutch police face it tribal warfare. There is a tribal war but not in all places.
Second, when the two communities fought each other in the harbor or on the road, the soldiers could not pull his weapon or police never shoot people. But compared after Indonesia attended, well it was a murder, kidnapping, slaughter is too big.
So those that are categorized illiterate, they are not a good look about something or not. But they have the experience, especially in the villages that they live from the garden. If we are in the city, in Indonesia, almost could say 80 percent of people live on the money. None in Papua.
If anyone says poor is actually a modern category. Papuans each had land and gardens. So the poor category may be in terms of money income, but in terms of the food they are not poor. These people are now difficult to gardening because the army already in the forests. Unlike the old days before the Indonesian entry.
So they see should select only independent so they can eat or not eat, look for or do not have anything, they live free. So that they can live off what they got.
Secondly, they see special autonomy was not unite Papuans but such a process the Dutch period, divide et impera, pitting. So people in other areas, people in areas such as Wamena it could not be regent in Biak. Before the special autonomy, the Biak could be regent in Merauke, Merauke people could be regent in Manokwari. Now it can not.
Tribalism system truly become divisive system among fellow brothers in Papua. It really looks. Not first. So now we see how the people of Papua played off, started being used, to have to love guns to shoot people, police shoot themselves or shoot their own soldiers and said it was a crime of the Papuans. In the past never existed.
That's why people had called illiterate, they find the right solution of the free choice so there is no need pitting. Then they want to live well or not, they have the right to set the future.
After the first Round Table Conference in 1949, Indonesia desperately want to liberate Papua states of occupation, want to build Papua. So why until 52 years he has submitted all development programs. Then what about the beginning of the program? If it is true as stated by the Indonesian era Why now? In the age of man, it's been over 17 years of age are able. 52 years so why just started teachable way, sit, eat, this is weird. But that's the reality.
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