Monday, 12 January 2015


MAKASSAR. Bunaken National Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems consist of mangrove ecosystems , seagrass beds , coral reefs , and land / coastal ecosystems .

In the northern part of the island of Bunaken , Manado Tua island , island Montehage , Siladen island , island Nain , Nain island is small, and some coastal areas of Cape Pisok . While in the Southern Cape coast includes some coconut .

Potential land islands national park is rich in species of palm , sago , woka , silar and coconut . Animal species that live on the mainland and coastal regions such as Sulawesi black macaques ( Macaca nigra nigra ) , deer ( Cervus timorensis Russa ) , and possum ( Ailurops ursinus ursinus ) .

Mangrove plant species in Bunaken National Park is Rhizophora sp . , Sonneratia sp . , Lumnitzera sp . , And Bruguiera sp . The forest is rich with various species of crab , shrimp , mollusks and various types of sea birds such as gulls , herons , terns , and Heron sea . Types of algae found in this national park covers types of Caulerpa sp . , Halimeda sp . , And Padina sp . Seagrass dominated mainly in Montehage island , and the island of Thalassia hemprichii Nain , Enhallus acoroides , and Thalassodendron ciliatum .
Recorded 13 genera of corals live in the waters of Bunaken National Park , dominated by fringing and barrier reefs . The most interesting is the vertical cliffs as far as 25-50 meters .

Approximately 91 species of fish found in the waters of Bunaken National Park , including fish gusumi horse ( Hippocampus horse ) , white oci ( Seriola rivoliana ) , yellow tail lolosi ( Lutjanus kasmira ) , goropa ( Pseudanthias Ephinephelus spilotoceps hypselosoma ) , ila trunk ( Scolopsis bilineatus ) , etc.

Species of molluscs such as giant clams ( Tridacna gigas ) , head of the goat ( Cassis cornuta ) , hollow nautilus ( Nautilus pompillius ) , and tunikates / ascidians .The best visiting season : May / August each year .
How to reach : Bunaken National Park can be reached through the Port of Manado , Marina Nusantara Diving Centre ( NDC ) in the District of Molas and Marina Blue Banter . From Manado harbor by motor boat to the island Siladen can be reached + 20 minutes + 30 minutes Bunaken island , island Montehage + 50 minutes + 60 minutes and the island of Nain . From Blue Banter Marina by using the cruises available to the tourist area on the island of Bunaken can be reached within 10-15 minutes , while the NDC from the port to the dive sites in Bunaken island by speed boat to within + 20 minutes .


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